The Nerd
Started byKatja W.R. Eggers - dogperson since her childhood. Borzoi enthusiast, and pedigree nerd. Who dares to think outside the box, and usually does exactly that.
Borzoi of the Year 2017 , 2018 & 2023 #1 Lure Coursing Borzoi 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024
Started byKatja W.R. Eggers - dogperson since her childhood. Borzoi enthusiast, and pedigree nerd. Who dares to think outside the box, and usually does exactly that.
When passion becomes a lifestyle, miracles happen. Living your dream is really living. To be lucky enough, and be able to do that - indescribable.Thank you, Kai.
There will always be plans, and more dreams to chase. Time and ambitions will tell if they come true...
This years Crufts dog show, attracted over
22.000 hopeful attendants, with their owners.
From all over the world, although majority of whom, came from Europe.
Multi. CH. Bodarov Ballada (Lulu/Siw-Anita), is the second breed representative from our kennel, who qualified to attend Crufts.
N UCH Bodarov Ambassador, being the first, who did so already in 2021.
At Crufts`24 Ballada (Lulu/Siw-Anita), was competed from the open class. She got placed first, amongst 10 other bitches. Then she had to compete against the winners from the other four classes. When the judge placed her again, as first in a row, I was speachless. This was her best bitch of the day - and the best of the opposite sex. As it later turned out.
Multi. CH. Borscana Impressive, was chosen as the best dog, and Ballada´s competitor. A great representative, swedish male - that despite his young age, has had a comet career. And came to compete at one of the biggest dog shows, all the way from Japan.
We congratulate the owner,
and the breeders with the win!
The Borzoi breed, was judged by the acknowledged breed specialist
On the 10th of March, she got to see and, put her hands on - 116 of the best representatives of the breed.
Dogs that qualified in their respective countries, to show at Crufts´24 - during the last year. This is this year's dog gala.
To participate is a dream for many.
To win best in the opposite sex (BOS), with your own bred dog - is absolutely indescribable, and a dream come true!
And not least - create breed history.
With becoming Norway's first and only Borzoi, to get so high on the podium at Crufts.
Many thanks to Lulu's owner and biggest fan - Sebastian Doricic. For his outstanding efforts in showing her off to their many victories. And to create unforgettable moments, both inside and outside the show rings.
Eternally grateful,
Katja W.R. Eggers
The year has just begun, and it looks like it will be quite a busy year this year.
Now we are waiting for the second generation of Bodarovs with excitement and joy. And our third "stage"...
We are crossing our fingers and toes -
for a little longer...
The rush was over during the first week of January. The inseminations went well according to the conditions, and now it is "just" to be patient for another 8 weeks... And hopefully the second "stage". We cross our fingers and toes... and wait.
We cross our fingers, and toes...
and wait.
The year started with approval
by new co-owner of Bodarov Kennel.
He has been an important supporter and friend over the past 5 years. His commitment and enthusiasm are unparalleled. His knowledge and expertise - indispensable. I am very much looking forward to the future and what it will bring.
You are most welcome!
2024 was a successful year for the Bodarov kennel, with the biggest highlight of the year at Crufts in March for
Then there was another significant BOS - namely at the Borzoi speciality, for
This year, the dogs with Bodarov prefix, have also been placed both in the group, as best in breed and as best in the opposite sex.
On the Lure Coursing course, where both
Once again, the Bodarov borzoi is represented on this year's breed list in the Borzoi Committe (Borzoiutvalget), and on the NKK Most Winning in the Breed. This time it was
We thank all the judges for appreciating our dogs so highly, and to all the owners who give us the opportunity to show their favourites.
Congratulations to all the owners on great results this year. And good luck next year!
The last show trip of the year went to Melsomvik again. Where we were able to meet both current, and future puppy buyers.
Judge for the day was Janelle W. Robbins.
Thanks again Sebastian, for help with showing Avalanche!
It's always nice to come to Stord, just a short hour from home. Meet other dog friends, and get to know new ones.
Bamse later became number 3 in the group, among the other winners from group 10.
The judges for the day were:
Rade Vesic´ in the breed and Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari in the group.
The national LC try run is organized annually by the Podenco club. spring and autumn.
In recent years,
Her half-sister
She got her first LC-Cert today. And has a Danish from before.
Congratulations Sebastian, well done!
On an unusually warm September day, we showed two half-brothers and their mother.
The judge in the breed, and in the group was Christian Jouanchicot.
Thank you for your help,
Isabella & Hanna Maria!
First time at the speciality, and at his third show ever -
In addition, he won the unofficial competition for "Best Head and Expression". Not enough of that! With their half-sister Ballada, they were voted "Best Couple". Masterfully shown by Ballada's owner Sebastian Doricic.
Today's results for the rest of
Thank you Sebastian, for your help in showing Avalanche so beautifully!
And not least to Bodil Jenssen, for the great photos from this memorable day.
Finally, she was also honored as Borzoi of the Year in Norway for 2023. With a diploma for the owner, and cake for everyone. Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Congratulations, Sebastian!
And thanks for the effort.
You are a star couple together!
In addition,
During her short exhibition career, she has managed to achieve the following merits per today's date:
2024 -
Thank you for your help, Hugrun!
Thanks for letting us show Falck (Bodarov Baron) today, Paula. And congratulations on his first certificate. Thanks again Isabella! For all the help showing him and Boopsie.
Heia Kjersti & Aria!
NO DK CH NJub CH NORDW-23 NVW-24 OSLVW-24 Fujarka Stepowy Goniec
Judges for the day:
Leif Herman Wilberg (Breed)
Zorica Blomqvist (BIS Veteran)
Thank you again, Isabella!
The day after competing against her mother
Thank you Åse Lillian,
for all the help and your company!
Med en flott kritikk:
"5 years. Overall strong female. Strong fem head. Corr. Overscull. G.
Eye. Corr. bite. Corr. ear carriage. Strong neck into g. front. Corr.
front and rear angul. Showing corr. bone. stands on g. feet. G. ribbing
and loin. Showing in exc. cond. moves well with g. action."
Thanks again, Isabella!
Best in the opposite sex became his mother
Thanks so much, for your help showing Boopsie, Marie!
Thanks to judge Gilberto Grandi from Italy, and Isabella´s excellent handling.
Bravo Isabella!
Her critique for the day:
"Very nice bitch, fem all over, nice head, body well dev, good deep
chest, strong legs, good topline, she moves very well, nice coat and
colour, good temp"
Bravo Kjersti & Aria!
Karl-Erik Johansson from Sweden, was the judge - in both rings; breed and group.
Our first trip to the famous Crufts exhibition in England. Biggest in Europe, and one of the biggest in the World. Was a longtime "must go" on our wishlist.
The trip was long, it took us two whole days to drive one way. But we enjoyed every minute of it. Like "two peas in a pod" - we laugh, talked about everything, and had a great time. So time flew effortlessly.
Beforehand, we made an agreement. That, if we weren't placed, we were going to travel anyway to experience the whole "show". Well, it turned out as it did - and to our great surprise, our only Norwegian breed representative was placed as best bitch out of over 50! Talk about dropping jaws...
We are very happy, and very proud of our first Crufts winner. And the very first in Norway's breed history - Bodarov Ballada!
The trip to Denmark paid off this time, for Lulu and the boys. Out of 12 borzois, she was best in breed, and none was best in the opposite sex.
Nå kan
Gunnar Nymann was breed judge. Due to the long journey, Lulu did not stay for the group final.
We started our new show season in Etne, like last year - and the year before, and the year before that. In other words, as we usually do. The only difference was that this time, it was
Davor Javor was both; breed and group judge.
Second day at MyDog 2 judged
And then suddenly the weekend was over for her, and for Sebastian. Happy and satisfied, they turned their noses towards home, hopefully without too much "charging anxiety".
The first exhibition tour of the year for Lulu, went to Gothenburg and MyDog. One of the largest dog shows in Sweden. With a total of over 7,000 dogs taking part over 3 days. There were 25 entered in the breed, and
Judge for the day was Benny Blidh von Schedvin. Congratulations to her owner Sebastian, who showed her so masterfully again.