The driving force

The People

BODAROV Borzoi is a small, exclusive, home-based breeding program established in 2018. Since then, we have had a positive development - both in the show ring and on the LC track. With national and international successes; championships and win titles.
In 2024, Sebastian Doricic went in as a co-owner of our small endevour. He is both a good friend, adviser and helper. Even though we live in different parts of the country - we share the same goal. And passion for the breed.
Our vision for the betterment, and conservation of the borzoi breed is the driving force. Considering the various aspects, involved in running a successful breeding project. There is a lot of work, and research behind each combination. Going forward, we try our best and don´t give up to easely.

Katja W.R. Eggers

Memberships &
Positions in Dog Clubs

  • NKK (Norsk Kennel Klubb),
    member since the 1990s.
  • NMK (Norsk Myndeklubb),
    member since the 1990s.
  • Borzoiutvalget (The Borzoi Cometee),
    at NMK (Norwegian Sighthound Club) duties:

    Leader (2019 - 2021),

    Graphic & Web Designer (2018 - 2021)
  • BorzoiRingen in Sweden,
    member (on and off).

Dr.MED. Sebastian Doricic

Memberships &
Positions in Dog Clubs

  • FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale)
    Judge's license (1998)
  • NKK (Norsk Kennel Klubb)
  • NMK (Norsk Myndeklubb)
  • Borzoiutvalget (The Borzoi Cometee),
    at NMK (Norwegian Sighthound Club)
    Deputy Leader (2022 - 2023)